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µî·ÏÀÚ | ÀÌÁø±Ô | µî·ÏÀÏ | 2019-11-14 |
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¹«·á±³À° [ÀÚ°ÝÁõ ¹«·á±³À°] ¿Â¶óÀÎ ¼ö°»ý ¸ðÁý WATCH: Rescue teams search for survivors after a dam breaks in Brazil
¸Þ¸®Ã÷¾Ïº¸Çè The Latest: Bells ring as pope arrives for Panama Mass ¾ÆÆÄÆ®´ãº¸´ëÃâ Overlooked No More: Forough Farrokhzad, Iranian Poet Who Broke Barriers of and Society ´ëȯ´ëÃâ European Central Bank offers help to weakening economy ÀÚµ¿Â÷º¸Çè Nine-month-old baby boy SURVIVES being thrown off 82ft bridge into icy water by drunk mum who didn’t want him any more ³×À̹ö ŸÀÚ¿¬½À Good Morning Britain weatherman explains why he interrupted knife crime debate – video ÀÚ¿¬º°°î 11¿ù ÇÒÀÎ Israel to launch first privately funded moon mission ¿îÀüÀÚº¸Çèºñ±³»çÀÌÆ® , ska and Malcolm X: MI6’s covert 1960s mission to woo West Indians ÇÞ»ì·Ð´ëÇлý The Home Office Is Being Sued Over Delays In Unaccompanied Child Asylum-Seekers’ Cases ¾Ïº¸Çè New drug raises hopes of reversing memory loss in old age ÀÚµ¿Â÷º¸Çè·áÀλó Corsica gunman found dead after shooting dead one and injuring five others µðµõµ¹´ëÃâ Peru’s former president Alan Garcia in serious condition after shooting himself moments before police kick down his front door amid money laundering probe ¸Æµµ³¯µå 11¿ùÇà»ç Michael Cohen to testify Trump broke the law in office, reports say – live ÀÚµ¿Â÷º¸Çè·áºñ±³°ßÀû»çÀÌÆ® Man in Chinese village accused of killing 8 with knife ÇÞ»ì·Ð±ä±Þ»ý°èÀÚ±Ý Venezuelan opposition leader calls for protests as Maduro offers a new dialogue °ø¹«¿ø´ëÃâ Antisemitism debate exposes new fault lines in US politics Ä¡¾ÆÅ©¶ó¿î°¡°Ý BAE Systems reveals further details about Medusa project for Challenger 2 upgrade ´ÙÀÌ·ºÆ®ÀÚµ¿Â÷º¸Çè·áºñ±³°ßÀû»çÀÌÆ® Trudeau maintains he didn’t apply inappropriate pressure ¿îÀüÀÚº¸Çèºñ±³»çÀÌÆ® Russians sell vile Salisbury Novichok poisoning board game to send players on a chase across Europe ¶óÀ̳ªÄ¡¾Æº¸Çè |
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